
RM of Colonsay No. 342

We provide a policy basis for the orderly management of land use, subdivision, municpal services, and public utilities within the RM of Colonsay in compliance with provincal legislation.

All Controlled Burns MUST be reported to:
Have your land location & Emergency Contact Number Available

RM of Colonsay Administrator

8:30am - 12:00pm ~1:00pm - 4:00pm
Phone: (306) 255-2233
Email: rm342@sasktel.net
Mail: PO Box 130, Colonsay, SK
Fax: (306) 255-2291

Meet your councilors

Gerald Yousie

Presently the Reeve for the RM of Colonsay.

RM of Colonsay 342 - Council Meetings

Members meet on the first Monday of each month.

Description Title

Item Link

Keeping our Municipality up to date

Note: Bylaws & Policies

  • Building for Town Office and RM of Colonsay

    Slide title

    Write your caption here
  • A row of white garage doors are lined up in a parking lot.

    RM Facilities

    Write your caption here
  • Two dump trucks are parked next to each other on a gravel road.

    RM Service Vehicles

    Write your caption here
  • A white building with a red trim and a white garage door.

    New Firehall

    Write your caption here
  • A green tractor is parked in a grassy field with a trailer attached to it.

    RM Service Vehicles

    Write your caption here

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